Charlestown Cemetery - A names
Data donated by Richard (Leroy) Pearson

Name (maiden) [spouse]
Aaron, Harold Gene, [Nelda]09-11-194201-25-2002
Aaron, Hazel Aliene, [Lilburn]04-24-192809-24-1995
Aaron, Lilburn M., [Hazel]12-13-1923living
Aaron, Nelda (Panther), [Harold]04-16-1945living
Abney, Jane Elizabeth 01-16-2003
Adams, Carl Layton, [Edith]03-07-192804-20-2000
Adams, Charity Ann (Phillippi)01-11-18591952
Adams, Edith Jane (Mounce), [Carl]10-03-1932living
Adams, Elmer Lloyd, [Floye]07-25-192010-24-1992
Adams, Floye Dene, [Elmer]06-21-1931living
Adams, Infantno dateno date
Adams, Laverne, [Shirley]07-04-1931living
Adams, Oscar, [Zora]19041957
Adams, Raymond18891890
Adams, Shirley, [Laverne]05-23-193504-13-1996
Adams, William Taylor, [Charity]184408-19-1919
Adams, Zora (Hale), [Oscar]03-09-190509-__-1978
Adcock, Lola Marie19041981
Addis, Goodwin Paul09-10-192010-26-1942
Addis, Nettie (Morrow), Goodwin10-21-1900no date
Addis, Robin, [Nettie]10-11-1898no date
Aethranis, Costa Antonios, [Sueveeda]08-01-195207-14-1993
Aethranis, Sueveeda K., [Antonios]06-09-1948living
Airhart, Arlene B.12-02-190905-13-1978
Akemon, Evelyn, [James]07-05-193001-12-1990
Akemon, James, [Evelyn]07-03-192310-05-1983
Albert, Bailey, [Mabel]19191979
Albert, Mabel J., [Bailey]19191975
Albert, Robert Thomas, Sr. 06-30-2005
Albertson, Mary Jane, [Ralph]06-27-1929living
Albertson, Ralph Edward. [Mary]10-25-192701-31-1995
Albright, Janice (Barley), [Richard]05-11-1922living
Albright, Richard Lee Colby, [Janice]09-19-191812-25-1988
Aldridge, Edna, [Nathan]19041969
Aldridge, Nathan, [Edna]18861961
Alexander, Catherine Ilene, [Herbert]06-13-1921living
Alexander, Eddy18551856
Alexander, Herbert W., [Catherine]11-03-191402-01-1987
Alexander, Nora (Hughes), [James]10-26-186309-19-1932
Allen, Delmas Jerome, [Ruby]03-31-191301-17-2002
Allen, Infant son01-02-193901-02-1939
Allen, Johnnie M., [Paul]01-03-1922living
Allen, Norma L., [William]06-24-1934living
Allen, Odelia H., [Robert]01-16-191201-06-1992
Allen, Omega Mae (Strong), [Robert]01-28-191401-02-1939
Allen, Paul L.01-16-193008-27-1951
Allen, Paul Thomas, [Johnnie M.]03-24-192408-12-2002
Allen, Robert Keith, [Odelia]10-17-190801-30-1970
Allen, Ruby E. (Ashbrook), [Delmas]07-16-191005-25-1987
Allen, William, [Norma]10-25-192101-29-1973
Alpha, Daniel R., {War of 1812}ca 178610-16-1860
Alpha, Laura G., {d.of MP&RE}12-17-184505-10-1848
Alpha, Mitchell P., [Rachel]02-14-18211917
Alpha, Philander H.08-17-182311-19-1844
Alpha, Rachel E. (Harris), [Mitchell]03-05-182506-25-1909
Alpha, Virginia C. 'Jennie', {MP&RE}01-10-185301-28-1867
Alstott, Elva M., [Wesley]11-26-190907-__-1978
Alstott, Wesley, [Elva]09-21-189312-02-1963
Amburgey, Carlos03-13-190712-08-1975
Amburgey, Cora, [Dewey]12-10-189501-10-1974
Amburgey, Daisy, [Jasper]03-24-191408-01-1981
Amburgey, Dewey, [Cora]12-07-189807-12-1979
Amburgey, Ivel09-05-194705-28-1959
Amburgey, Jasper, [Daisy]10-15-190305-16-1980
Amburgey, O. J.05-11-194508-06-1977
Amburgey, Ravenell, [William M.]11-04-192301-02-2002
Amburgey, William D., {WM&R}ca 194410-24-1999
Amburgey, William M., [Ravenell]08-11-192103-03-1977
Ames, Forrest L., 01-08-1916living
Ames, Willard E.,03-10-191505-02-1984
Ammons, Lena, {marker only}18821960
Anderson, Carl C., [Sandra]09-18-1945living
Anderson, Florano stoneno stone
Anderson, John Richard07-31-190310-11-1997
Anderson, Sandra K. (Henson), [Carl]03-18-194502-10-1998
Anstatt, John 185101-28-1865
Applegate, Bessie datesno date
Applegate, James P., [Margaret]09-29-183903-03-1894
Applegate, Lyman datesno date
Applegate, Margaret (Shelby), [James]07-23-183912-02-1899
Armstrong Lot, {No Armstrong stones}no stonenot found
Armstrong, Bruce, [Phyllis]10-06-191410-07-1990
Armstrong, Charles E., [Viola]18731940
Armstrong, Eurnie I., [Marshall]02-11-190001-26-1979
Armstrong, Hazel (Bailey), [Richard]04-28-191412-03-2000
Armstrong, Marie Gewn08-06-194808-06-1948
Armstrong, Marshall, [Eurnie]05-09-189811-12-1929
Armstrong, Mary, [Thomas] no date08-05-1843
Armstrong, Myra Lynn08-06-194808-12-1948
Armstrong, Phyllis, [Bruce]09-18-191810-__-1981
Armstrong, Richard, [Hazel]02-11-191102-25-1987
Armstrong, Samanthia Rose, {J&A}06-19-198806-19-1988
Armstrong, Thomas, [Mary]03-22-1819no date
Armstrong, Viola K., [Charles]08-08-187505-05-1968
Arnett, Roy, Jr., [Helen Clapp]05-20-191810-20-1982
Arp, Hallie, [Lonzo]02-04-191410-15-1976
Arp, Lonzo J., [Aubrey]05-07-191009-26-1990
Ashby, {child of Dutch Ashby}no dateno date
Ashby, Aubrey (Pirtle), [Jessie]05-02-191902-21-1995
Ashby, Jessie, [Aubrey]05-10-192304-04-2005
Ashby, Kenneth, [s.of Dutch]ca 192301-29-1930
Ashby, Marty Lee19781978
Ashley, Douglas Shelton, {Wm.&Bettye}07-28-194308-31-1950
Athon, Jason S., Dr. [Rebecca]no dateIndianapolis ??
Athon, Rebecca (Carr), [Jason S.]06-15-181006-10-1857
Atkisson, Henry Lewis, Sr., [Mildred]07-09-192803-27-1995
Atkisson, Mildred Louise, [Henry]07-02-193607-07-1981
Aubery, Rosa Lucille, [Willard]08-14-191201-31-2000
Aubery, Willard, [Rose Lucille]10-14-191008-12-1997
Aubrey, D. {No stone on lot}no stonenot found
Austin, Dalna Mae01-23-193411-04-1989
Austin, Jeanne (George), [Thomas]02-26-192911-09-2001
Austin, John {old stone, can't read}cannot readcannot read
Austin, Thomas 'T.A.', [Jeanne]02-04-192507-15-2002
Austott, Mary J.cannot readcannot read
Azzam, Antionette L.19061985

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