Utica Township, Clark County, Indiana

I learned about this old slave and free Black Cemetery while staffing the Cemetery Preservation Committee booth at the Clark County 4-H Fair in July of 1997.

This cemetery is located on John Noble-Salem Road, very close to its intersection with Shungate Road, near Highway 62. It is an empty lot surrounded by homes and fronts John Noble-Salem Road. [Photo here taken October 5, 1997.]

I have not examined this site personally, but I have driven by and there are no signs visible from the road that it is a cemetery. I have been told that there are field stone markers on some of the graves, but none appear to be upright.

My informants (James and Dorothy Dyson of Jeffersonville) advise that there is at least one Native American child buried at this site, a childhood friend of Mrs. Dyson.

At present, I know nothing more about this cemetery.

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I presently have no further information on this cemetery.

E-mail: Dee Pavey

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