Private Jesse Arnold Jenkins
ProfileParents: Henry and Anna Jenkins
Birth: April 6, 1893, Jennings County, Indiana
Later moved to Columbus, Indiana
Occupation: Blacksmith
Entered service: June 5, 1918, Greensburg, Indiana
Sent to: Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce Training School
Transferred to: Washington Barracks, D.C.
Overseas: September 1918, Liverpool, England
Body returned to U.S. in August 1920
Burial: Bear Creek Cemetery, Jennings County, Indiana
The Republic
Columbus, Indiana
Friday, November 29, 1918
Page 7
Was Son of Mrs. Annie Jenkins of East Columbus, and in Service Since Last August
Mrs. Annie Jenkins, of Reo street, East Columbus, has received word of the death of her son, Arnold J. Jenkins, who died of disease while in service in France. Jenkins, who had been in the service since last August, was formerly an employe at the Emerson Brantingham Company. He was about 24 years of age. He received his first training in Indianapolis, and was inducted into the service by the Decatur county draft board, having been a resident of that county at the time.
Jenkins is survived by his mother, and two brothers, Olan and Clarence, and two sisters, one of whom lives at home and the other near Newbern.