Letters: To Mr. Earl Perry
Submitted by: Virginia Perry Cox
To: Mr. Earl PerryFrom: Nadine Perry
Transcription of a letter passed down in my family (original in submitter's possession at 09 January 2007) from Lula Nadine Perry (called Nadine) to her brother George Earl Perry, Sr. (called Earl).
Postmarked 15 October 1915, Columbus , Indiana
Used a 2 cent postage stamp (red color with profile of Washington facing left
Envelope addressed to:
Mr. Earl Perry
603 East Third Street Bloomington , Ind.
Return address on back of envelope:
Nadine Perry
Columbus , Ind.
Text of letter:
Columbus, Ind.
R.R. #4 c/o H. Gelfius
Oct. 14, 1915
My dear Brother,
While I was looking at the calendar today the fact dawned upon me that this is your birthday. You're twenty-four aren't you? Now, don't answer me sharply because I mentioned your age. I was so glad to hear that Mrs. Wylie is improving. Give the folks my regards and tell Martha I'll write to her soon.
Bessie C. says that the Carmichael girl in Bloomington wrote her that she has become acquainted with Martha.
Last night I gave a pie social at my school. I didn't go to one bit of trouble, and I'm glad I didn't for it rained and spoiled part of the crowd. Had pie & that was all. Made $8.50 off of 15 pies. I thought that was pretty good. Charlie Chasteen was the auctioneer. It was his first experience but he sure did pretty well for the lowest for a pie was 20 cents and highest 85 cents. Clarence R. got my pie. He happened to know (accidentally of course) that my pie was tied with a red ribbon.There were 22 came from town. All of our family, Kathryn came with Clarence R., Sylvan with Hazel Rude, Edna Miller with a Skenk boy, Agnes with Ray Coons, Cecil Miller with Hazel Ping, Edell Cambell with Albert Sohn, Hubert Ogden with a Codell girl and Stanley Payne, Mosie Patrick & Roy Ruddick came together.
They are planning a big reception for our new minister tomorrow night (Friday 15). His name is Johnston & that's about all I do know about him. I'm going to sing with the Christian bunch with a mixed quartette. They are helping in the music at the reception.Clarence is my nicest little man in the world now. Ha! Ha!
I'm coming to Indianapolis to attend the teachers association. Clarence is coming with me and will go to the folks with me too I guess. Our trustee hasn't said yet when we get off, but I suppose Thursday & Friday. I'll let you know as soon as I learn. How long will you stay in the city? And when will you come?
Grace & Harry Brooks had the knot tied O.K.Cousin Ed & etc. will be back from Indianapolis tomorrow eve. in time for the reception. They seem very anxious to see you. Oops! I forgot to tell you we had a little excitement last night. As he was driving away from the social Carl Goetz drove upon the high bank on the hill down from the school & upset himself & Blanche, but hurt no one. Let me hear from you.
With Love,
P.S. I wonder if you can remember to bring me a book from the University book store called "Readings in Indiana History", (it is either 40 or 50 cents) when you come to Indianapolis.
Newspaper clipping enclosed with letter (undated, name of newspaper not published - but I deduce from contents of the above letter that it would have been published in the local Columbus newspaper shortly after Friday 15 October 1915).
Rev. L. L. Johnson, the new pastor of the East Columbus Methodist Episcopal Church, and his wife were tendered a delightful reception last night at the church by the congregation and also by the members of the East Columbus Christian Church.
The church was appropriately decorated with many bright autumn leaves and flowers and the music for the occasion was furnished by the combined choirs of the two churches.
H. W. Nickerson gave a short address of welcome and the devotional exercises were conducted by Rev. G. Emerson Harsh, pastor of the English Lutheran Church . Addresses were made by the Rev. J. A. Sumwalt of the Methodist church here, and Rev. O. J. Cohee of the East Columbus Christian Church and Rev. Johnson responded.
A social hour followed and refreshments of cream and cake were served. More than two hundred persons were present.
Submitter's notes:
Writer was born Lula Nadine "Nadine" Perry on 12 September 1894, Columbus, Bartholomew Co, IN. She married 27 April 1919 to Ernest A. Devers. She died 07 May 1990, aged 95, in Hope, Bartholomew Co., IN.
Recipient was born George Earl "Earl" Perry on 15 October 1891 in Bartholomew Co., IN. He married Kathryn Brooks, daughter of Lewis Franklin Brooks and Addie C. Snyder.
Parents of Nadine and Earl were Stella Carrie Howerth and Albert Perry.
Mentioned in the letter is "Sylvan who came with Hazel Rude." Sylvan was a brother of Earl and Nadine; full name was Sylvan Roy Perry.
Mentioned in the letter is "Hubert Ogden" who came "with a Codell girl." Hubert Ogden was a first cousin to Kathryn Brooks (the future wife of George Earl Perry), being the son of Laura Estella Snyder and her husband Dore Ogden.
Mentioned in the letter is "Grace & Harry Brooks had the knot tied O.K." I have not yet determined if this Harry Brooks is related to the above-mentioned Kathryn Brooks (who was an only child). The marriage of Harry E. Brooks to Grace O. Wagner occurred in Bartholomew Co, IN on 10 October 1915 (book C24, page 147). Further, I do not know if this Harry E. Brooks (who is listed in several census forms as working as a draftsman) is the same (or related to) Harry Brooks who conducted the funeral of Nadine in May 1990.