Mann Cemetery
If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them.
Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever.
~ The Crow (1994)
Located about 5 miles northwest of Decatur on the Winchester Road in Preble Township.
Submitted by Nola Rains - June 2013
Information from DAR Cemetery Book: "These few stones are in a quite large enclosed, fenced plot. There may have been more buried here but stones removed.
copied March 29, 1959"
Nola Rains note: "There are very few tombstones still standing and the cemetery is no longer fenced."
Nola's primary research reveals that nearly everyone who was buried in the cemetery was a member of the Mann/MeWhorter family.

Updated 7/2/2018
Mann Family Cemetery |
Last Name | First Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Spouse | Parents | Military | Obit | Photo |
Mann | Joseph | 60y 3m | 12/26/1877 | | | | | |
Mann | Sarah Jane (McWhorter) | 31 or 51y, 8m, 12d | 1/7/1865 | Joseph | | | | |
Norwald | infant daughter | 3m 21d | 8/28/1881 | | William C & Susanna Mann Norwald | | | |
Pryor | Solomon | | no dates | | | Civil War Co K 75th IN Inf | | |
Seymour | Sanford F | 1y (stone broken) | 10/23/1854 | | Sanford A & Selena MeWhorter Seymour | | | |
Seymour | Susannah D | ?y 6m 13d (stone broken) | 1/2/1865 | | Sanford A & Selena MeWhorter Seymour | | | |
Seymour | William H | 3y 1m 10d | 8/30/1860 | | Sanford A & Selena MeWhorter Seymour | | | |
unknown | infant | 3 days | can't decipher, stone laying on ground | | | | | |
unknown | Susanna R | 12 hours | | | | | | photo |
At the bottom someone has written:
Clements MeWhorter child buried here according to Adams Co. Biographical Sketches p. 373 under heading of Joseph E. Mann

Back of the sign stone